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EU-Digest: Support for Israel crumbling in the Netherlands while Dutch PM supports Israeli action

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A survey conducted by the Dutch AD Newspaper shows that support in the Netherlands for the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip is crumbling. Twenty-five percent of those interviewed support Israel, while 17 percent side with the Palestinians. A majority of 51 percent agrees that Israel is using disproportionate means in the fight against the Hamas movement, but 62 percent say that the Palestinians would be better off without Hamas. Six in ten of those surveyed refused to take sides, either because they consider the issue too complex, blame both parties for the violence, or reject any form of violence whatsoever. These figures present a clear contrast with the Dutch cabinet's approval - albeit with some reservations - of Israel's action in Gaza.

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende is the only European government leader not to criticize the level of violence: "After many rocket attacks by Hamas, the time had come where Israel had to say: We are going to react". In a letter to parliament, Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen held Hamas responsible for the large number of civilian casualties because of the presence of Hamas fighters in residential areas.

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